Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Another Themed Mix

"No mistaking the bass," said Shoukinkasegi. "The tunes are that, sexy."

And it's true, though I don't always know why. Even if I could explain it, I'm not sure that I'd want to. Lyrics and visuals aside, there's something there. Visceral, it exists only for its own sake. Moves because moving is all it can do.

So clear out your schedule, pump up the bass, and if you know the film reference, add 20 trashy cinema points to your current score.

Secret Knowledge - Sugar Daddy
LaTour - Blue
Suicide - Cheree (remix)
Booty Bass Ballads - Time After Time
Thom Yorke - Atoms for Peace

Buy the album:
LaTour - S/T (1991)
Suicide - S/T (1978)
Love You Down: Booty Bass Ballads '99 (1999)
Thom Yorke - The Eraser (2006)
(Unfortunately the Secret Knowledge seem to be long out of print, so finding their recordings is left as an exercise to the downloader.)



Blogger miss jaime said...


9:31 PM  

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